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control IR

to control we need esp32/esp8266 and 980nm IR led (transmitter)

IRremoteESP8266 > This library enables you to send and receive infra-red signals on an ESP8266 or an ESP32 using the Arduino framework using common 940nm IR LEDs and common IR receiver modules. e.g. TSOP{17,22,24,36,38,44,48}* demodulators etc.

aircon protocol is AIRWELL

here is ON/OFF

IRrecvDump is now running and waiting for IR input on Pin 14
Timestamp : 000047.964
Library   : v2.8.5

Protocol  : AIRWELL
Code      : 0x270300002 (34 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power Toggle: On, Mode: 1 (Cool), Fan: 3 (Auto), Temp: 21C
uint16_t rawData[187] = {3070, 3728,  1948, 980,  942, 1894,  938, 892,  1006, 916,  1948, 980,  914, 894,  934, 1010,  938, 984,  916, 1006,  940, 1784,  1052, 890,  1920, 1008,  914, 916,  940, 982,  940, 982,  914, 1008,  914, 916,  940, 982,  938, 960,  962, 982,  940, 868,  962, 958,  936, 1008,  914, 1006,  940, 888,  940, 982,  940, 960,  936, 1006,  938, 1808,  1856, 982,  3020, 3752,  1948, 980,  940, 1896,  914, 916,  1032, 890,  1948, 960,  962, 890,  940, 982,  942, 980,  940, 982,  940, 1784,  1054, 890,  1950, 978,  942, 888,  942, 978,  942, 980,  940, 962,  962, 888,  944, 976,  942, 980,  940, 980,  944, 864,  940, 982,  962, 980,  942, 980,  942, 888,  940, 982,  944, 978,  942, 980,  942, 1780,  1882, 978,  3046, 3726,  1950, 980,  942, 1874,  964, 888,  1032, 890,  1950, 978,  940, 890,  942, 980,  940, 960,  960, 980,  942, 1782,  1056, 888,  1946, 984,  912, 916,  938, 984,  940, 982,  912, 1008,  914, 894,  962, 980,  940, 984,  940, 960,  934, 894,  962, 982,  940, 982,  914, 1006,  938, 892,  940, 982,  914, 984,  962, 982,  914, 1808,  1852, 986,  3958};  // AIRWELL 270300002
uint64_t data = 0x270300002;

Timestamp : 000050.834
Library   : v2.8.5

Protocol  : AIRWELL
Code      : 0x270300002 (34 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Power Toggle: On, Mode: 1 (Cool), Fan: 3 (Auto), Temp: 21C
uint16_t rawData[187] = {3072, 3726,  1950, 978,  940, 1898,  940, 890,  1032, 888,  1946, 982,  940, 890,  942, 980,  914, 1006,  942, 980,  940, 1784,  1054, 888,  1950, 980,  942, 866,  962, 980,  944, 978,  942, 980,  942, 888,  942, 980,  940, 980,  940, 982,  916, 914,  942, 980,  940, 982,  940, 982,  940, 890,  940, 982,  940, 980,  942, 982,  938, 1806,  1856, 958,  3042, 3730,  1970, 982,  942, 1874,  964, 888,  1006, 892,  1972, 960,  936, 916,  942, 980,  916, 1006,  914, 1008,  942, 1802,  1008, 914,  1946, 982,  938, 892,  916, 1006,  938, 984,  914, 1008,  914, 916,  914, 1008,  938, 982,  940, 982,  912, 896,  958, 984,  940, 982,  914, 1008,  940, 868,  962, 984,  912, 1008,  940, 982,  914, 1832,  1830, 1006,  3018, 3734,  1940, 1008,  940, 1898,  938, 868,  1028, 916,  1946, 982,  914, 916,  914, 1008,  940, 982,  914, 986,  936, 1830,  1006, 894,  1970, 982,  914, 916,  914, 984,  936, 1008,  914, 988,  960, 890,  914, 986,  962, 982,  938, 962,  936, 914,  940, 980,  942, 956,  940, 1004,  938, 892,  942, 956,  936, 986,  960, 960,  934, 1810,  1878, 980,  3962};  // AIRWELL 270300002
uint64_t data = 0x270300002;

tamiwiki/other/aircon.1689932205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/21 12:36 by yair