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Thermal Imaging

Thermal camera transmits udp packets to a windows application.


  • capture udp packets
  • analyze for handshake and frame
  • cross platform image stream decoding
  • find camera's conversion formula or lookup table OR calibrate
    • grab calibration data
    • get min max value and saturation points
    • normalize, colorize and manipulate 16bit image
  • Live streaming
  • web interface
  • Mobilility (battary, SOB)


we recorded a raw ethernet packet stream between the camera (source) and the windows (target) pc - pcap file recording of camera boot, stream request follwed by ~100 frames of thermal video. we used wireshark to filter and capture the handshake.

we noticed the stream gets initiated by a short udp packet from the target
we saved that packet and replayed it to the source using scapy lib for python.

#replay the "trigger" packet. 
#this packets will start the source broadcasting its packets. 
import base64
from scapy.all import *
# Base64 encoded packet data 
# Decode the Base64 encoded packet
decoded_packet = base64.b64decode(encoded_packet)
# Load packet with Scapy
packet = Ether(decoded_packet)
# (packet)
sendp(packet, iface="Ethernet")

this then started a network stream
the data stream was ordered and looked clean.
every frame starts with the following.


that got our interest in that packet but from then we noticed each has a sequential header that we can follow.

we then decoded to video >

  • frame composed of 32*6930b packets
  • 384×288 px
  • 16bit grayscale
  • first 520b overwritten

here is a video (mp4,h264,8bpp) and an image (png,raw,16bpp)

raw data of single frame, in pcap format (TODO: not the same data as the png above.), frame2.7z


we don't know the camera's conversion formula or lookup table
the spec mentions 8-14µm

According to Wien's Displacement Law, objects at different temperatures emit peak radiation at different wavelengths. The range of 8-14 µm is well-suited for detecting temperatures commonly encountered in industrial and environmental applications, typically ranging from about -20°C to 500°C or more. This range is sensitive enough to detect the radiation emitted by most objects under normal conditions.

i asked gpt if the formula we found in the first udp packet makes sense as a lookup table. he said no

then decided to capture a calibration sequence using our ANET printer hotbed and tip as a commendable temperature source.
set the hotbed to 100c (but its hardcoded to 90C tops on the merlin firmware) and 200deg for the hotend tip.
then “showed” it a piece of ice from the fridge. all measurements verified using a infrared thermometer. 90C,200C and 0C.


and revisiting that formula, what do you know!? it is legit

check this rust thingy out (more at the repo)

    let frame = data
        .map(|x| {
            let x: f64 = x.into();
            let x = x / 256.0;
            ((-1.665884e-08) * x.powf(4.)
                + (1.347094e-05) * x.powf(3.)
                + (-4.396264e-03) * x.powf(2.)
                + (9.506939e-01) * x
                + (-6.353247e+01)) as u8

fridge frost - 0c
the heatbed at the back is ramping down from 90c (cam saturates well before)


  • better programmable heat source, with wider thermal range

Model 695800

camera connects over 1Gb ethernet adaptor (make sure to enable Jumbo Frame 9k in adapter settings)


tamiwiki/projects/thermalcam.1704230419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/02 23:20 by yair