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Individual first-aid kit notes

Life has its “surprises”, so I'll maintain my list of stuff I'm using to handle them here. It's personal and not supposed to be exhaustive, but it may help someone else as a reminder or something like that.

As a note, I'd like to point out it's an IFAK. It is useful for a one-time accident, in a car, etc. It's useless if you're hurt for a long time. I got wounded and the experience of bleeding quite a bit reminds me that you should have a small pile of elastic bandages home or some easily available pharmacy nearby. I've bought these to check how they look:

Also, out of curiosity, I'm watching the veterinary videos on surgery to understand the topic more and learn some curiosities along the way. So far, the practice on a silicone mat taught me how terrible I am at that.

tamiwiki/users/6r1d/ifak_notes.1707205355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/06 09:42 by 6r1d